Building Boundaries for Peace work and Internships: Crafting a Bill of Rights

By Gabrielle “Gaby” McInnes Courage will always be the passport when our old world disappears. I remind myself of this every time that I transition between types of learning. While education starts in the classroom, it only becomes ‘learning’ when we start to understand how and why it is relevant to the non-academic world. AsContinue reading “Building Boundaries for Peace work and Internships: Crafting a Bill of Rights”

Reflection Journal:Peace Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

“Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”-  Martin Luther King Jr Reflection on the Ugandan Experience What would Ugandan lives be like collectively if peace education was infused into our education curriculum from pre-school to secondary schools? What it would be like if we made humans, girls,Continue reading “Reflection Journal:Peace Education in Primary and Secondary Schools”

Part II Q&A: On Language, Power, Privilege, and Peacebuilding

This is Part II of the interview I conducted with Dr. Jennifer Ball, continuing the conversation on her experience studying women at the grassroots level in Uganda who are contributing to peacebuilding in ways that are not often recognized by peace researchers and practitioners at national and global levels. In this interview, Dr. Ball reflectsContinue reading “Part II Q&A: On Language, Power, Privilege, and Peacebuilding”

Part I Q&A:Women and Peacebuilding in Uganda,Interview with Dr. Jennifer Ball

The role of women is not fully centered in the research on conflicts and peacebuilding in different contexts. Even when they are centered, more often than not, women are constructed as benevolent perpetual victims of violence. The research on peacebuilding tends to largely focus on middle-class women occupying powerful political positions, and rarely on theContinue reading “Part I Q&A:Women and Peacebuilding in Uganda,Interview with Dr. Jennifer Ball”

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